Hi there! I graduated today. If you’re reading from your inbox, you can click here to go to the website version.
Thank you for reading!
Campaign to support OCAD U Librarians, with many action items: https://weloveocadulibrarians.ca
This comic is the third comic I made about school during quarantine. You can find #1 here and #2 here. I’m obsessed! I’m obsessed! I’m sorry! Talk to me about pedagogy, I guess.
You can check out the OCAD U Illustration Grad Show at https://www.ocaduillustration.com/
I did a talk about video game fancomics for Comics x Games at TCAF. It’s called New Ways to Love You. You can watch it here.
If you haven’t signed the letter already, check out this BDS action to boycott Koffler Gallery. Fellow grad and talented individual Sid also made this pretty sick guide for brands to boycott in support of Palestinian human rights.
I’m doing TOAF this year selling Giclee prints, which I have mixed feelings about but very grateful that I am able to do it for free through OCAD.
The thoughts I had in July about racism in my industry still weigh heavily on my mind. I wrote about them in this blog post.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. How do you stay human while navigating the institution? Do you think getting involved in school politics is a form of self-harm? (Joking, kinda.) Comment, email me, or shoot a DM.
This newsletter, Wonderful Artland, sporadically uploads comics about art, culture, and life. Subscribe if you like.